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Animal Farm Book Pig

Animal Farm's Twist Ending: Power Corrupts

Pigs Take Over Manor Farm

Snowball's Vision

In George Orwell's classic allegory, "Animal Farm," the animals of Manor Farm rebel against their human farmer, Mr. Jones, and establish their own society. The idealistic pig named Snowball leads the revolution with his vision of a just and equal society where all animals are treated fairly.

Napoleon's Rise to Power

However, Snowball's rival, the cunning and ambitious pig named Napoleon, gradually gains power and manipulates the other animals to his advantage. Napoleon and his loyal henchman, Squealer, use deception and intimidation to rewrite the farm's laws and establish themselves as the ruling elite.

Animal Farm's Transformation

As the pigs become more and more like the humans they overthrew, the farm's principles of equality and freedom are gradually eroded. The animals witness with horror as the pigs adopt human habits, engage in trade with humans, and even walk upright on two legs.

Snowball's Banishment

In a decisive moment, Napoleon accuses Snowball of collaborating with Mr. Jones and banishes him from the farm. With Snowball gone, Napoleon's tyranny is complete. He establishes a reign of terror, suppresses dissent, and abuses the other animals.


The ending of "Animal Farm" serves as a chilling reminder that power has the potential to corrupt even the most noble of intentions. The pigs' transformation from idealistic revolutionaries to oppressive dictators highlights the dangers of absolute power and the importance of vigilance against those who seek to exploit it.
